Out of Office

Ep #9 Matt Kelly

Welcome to Episode 9 of the Out of Office podcast, which I recorded with Matt Kelly, the founder of The New European, and which I’ve split into two bite sized chunks.


Welcome to Episode 9 of the Out of Office podcast, which I recorded with Matt Kelly, the founder of The New European, and which I’ve split into two bite sized chunks.

In this first part, we talk about Matt’s earlier days as a regional newspaper journalist, his views on the news media in general, his time at Archant, and the birth of The New European.

In the second part (episode 10), he takes us through how he secured the investment to buy his creation, The New European from Archant and how he’s new building the business pretty much from scratch (also with a little help from Team Pugpig of course!)

It was a really interesting chat as we walked through Highbury Fields on a typically British summer’s day, alternating from beautiful sunshine to torrential rainstorm from one minute to the next.

Check out our news post to learn more about The New European and how we launched it.

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