Case Studies | Foreign Affairs

Foreign Affairs sees 69% increase in visits after harnessing the power of multimedia

The leading forum for serious discussion of American foreign policy joined Pugpig in 2018 with a multimedia-focused refresh in 2022. Since then, their in-app audio plays have skyrocketed by over 220% and their app store ranking has improved dramatically.

Foreign Affairs mobile app

About Foreign Affairs

Foreign Affairs is the leading bi-monthly magazine for in-depth analysis and debate of foreign policy, international affairs and geopolitics. Team Pugpig revamped and relaunched their mobile app over five weeks in the summer of 2022. Here’s a little more insight into what we did…

The main objectives

  • Enhance their multimedia offering with an improved video and audio interface.
  • Find a better way of highlighting events in a digital-friendly format while retaining the sense of completeness that comes with a magazine.
  • Improve their in-app audio experience – podcasts, along with newsletters are a key piece of their retention strategy.

What we did

Migrated Foreign Affairs to our Bolt platform

Before migrating, the Foreign Affairs app was built solely for digital editions. Once on Bolt, their mobile app supported lots more additional content from across their portfolio and a whole range of new features including dark mode.

In-app messages with Airship

Thanks to its integration with mobile app experience platform, Airship, The Foreign Affairs app uses highly effective in-app messages to promote its latest digital edition and drive further engagement and time spent in app.

Built an events tab timeline

The Foreign Affairs team were keen to surface events in the app relaunch. We built a custom events tab timeline accessible in the app’s nav where they could showcase webcasts of all their past events.

The results

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In-app listening skyrocketed

Not only did in-app listening more than double, but in-app plays increased by a huge 224%. Foreign Affairs’ biggest objective of the relaunch was to improve their in-app audio experience, and Director of Digital Analytics and Audience Development, Carlos A. Morales says they “passed with flying colours.”

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Visits increased by almost 70%

Since relaunching, Foreign Affairs saw huge increases in both visits (+69%) and screen views (+39%). This huge boost in engagement goes hand in hand with the increase in in-app listening and improved video offering, and demonstrates the power of diversifying your content beyond written articles.

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Huge increase in positive reviews

And the relaunch successes don’t stop there… the app also accumulated over 1,000 new reviews – 20% of all reviews since it first launched back in 2017. The app currently holds a rating of 4.9/5 and 4.8/5 on the Google Play Store and the iOS App Store respectively.

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